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Packed Policy Proposal Paper = On 4 Pages & Why I am Standing (in Transport & Jobs)

Policies for Eastcott Ward from Clare E A Kingston who lives on Eastcott Hill ***from***

Power to the People ***This is virtually bill free electricity . It can be made quite simply , quite safely and quite economically . You can get it via windmills from the breeze , via tide flow mills from the seas , and solar panels source it from the sun . Everybody can generate it on their roofs for example . People could also be paid to exercise via electricity generating bicycles.***

In Eastcott I will start to make this dream come true via an idea I have called "Community Electricity" I often feel the wind blowing and think "What a waste, we could be making electricity out of that" I see lampposts as masts for prospective windmills, all we need to do is put the whirly thing at the top to make it all work. The money generated from "Community Electricity" will go towards 3 things:

1. Subsidising and cutting down council tax.

2. Subsidising and making free double glazing and ecological and environmental home improvements starting with the eldest. Also starting to pay older peoples bills for them so that they can keep warm and happy.

3. Subsidising Council Services and when this is done generating new ones to make our lives even better.

Rainbow Recycling ***This is a nationally organised recycling system . It doesn't involve long inconvenient journeys to recycling banks which use up transport energy which is hard to recover . It is a simple straightforward solution to a problem that yes can be easily solved.***

People often complain that dogs make a mess. Human beings are far worse. The rubbish we leave unrecycled hurts many more animals that any other animal does to another in the whole wide world. I think until we are good to other creatures, our friends on this earth, we have no right to moan. It is speciesist.

On a positive note, we can improve, we can easily do something about this. This Rainbow Recycling idea is easy to start up and to keep going. All remnants to be recycled are left outside our homes, the day before rubbish day. They are categorised using symbols and colours of the rainbow which are stuck as stickers to bags. The relevant organisations who can make use of the material simply collect it. I will get this organised.

Inter-Link Department @ The Council The Council needs to control its spending and having to pay out Housing and Council Tax benefit without control over this is wrong in organisational terms. I also think that the stigma attached with going to the Benefits Agency ("because you're poor") or the Job Centre ("because you haven't got a job") makes people sad and humiliated. This just isn't on. We don't know the twists and turns of how our lives will turn out in advance of these things happening. The Inter-Link Department would find work and activities for you - working with Swindon Borough Based Agencies - they will thereby retain the cut that those who search on behalf of others for a better life - rather than send the money away. Those who are not well enough for work can sometimes still do something and want to contribute, also mothers of very young children and the early or semi-retired may wish to go there for things for them to do. So you may be going there to get, you may be going there to give. No-one will know. No-one will be the wiser prying into your own private affairs. Your knowledge of your life is your business, not anyone else's. This will bring dignity back into many peoples lives.

Common Rooms - I truly believe that the real problem with teenagers and youngsters is simply that they really, honestly do not have anywhere to go to do there own thing. Grown-ups are allowed in pubs and welcomings are designed in many public places to cater for us old fogies. Public/Private school children have Common Rooms where they can chill out and express themselves truly freely. We have our own homes. These are our areas. The youngsters, as human beings like ourselves need a place, a space, that they can call their own.

Play Places could and should be established in the backs of responsible and present people's gardens for those much younger. So they can be Safe and Seen and Happy. These people could also help in arranging activities and craft clubs. Those who are prepared to commit to this vocation should I believe have their council tax bill cancelled.

Perhaps The Gilberts Hill School Building would be appropriate for both these things to a certain extent. We could also have an after school and homework club there also - Very near to the shops to leave them doing something else less boring instead.

Printed & Published @ home by CEAKingston, 109 Eastcott Hill SN1 3JH

Communication + Cyber Centre -

Swindon Borough Wide Policy - We All Need Our Heritage. We All Need Our Future. And We All Need I.T. Now!

I would turn around The Mechanics Institute by turning it into a Communications Centre -which would also contain a Cyber Centre within it. The Communications Centre is a Library - we need a new Library and an old building is in itself more relaxing and thought provoking than a sterile modern building. This could be put together by several Swindon based firms in a "Challenge Anneka" style. People could come in with bookshelves and sofas (for a comfortable reading experience) - furniture firms + books themselves - we have big businesses in this field in this town, BCA, EMI, WH Smiths, Woolworths, Reader's Digest, Child's Play ... + A children's early learning area - possibly sponsored by the Early Learning Centre. In fact anyone who wanted to join in the fun and make a contribution would have a permanent sponsorship sign in+/on the building. The Cyber Centre would be made up from donated computers - perhaps from Intel, they certainly would contain their processors. A seven stages to surfing the seven seas super fun course would be run here - hopefully spreading to different sites around Swindon if people like it.

1. Play seven simple computer games.

2. Draw a picture on a computer using seven different tools - and print it out.

3. Write seven different styles of letter or text document using seven fonts.

4. Use seven different types of computer programme of your own choice. A new programme is a new type.

5. See the internet. Surf through seven sites searching for what you want.

6. Communicate on the net by sending seven different e-mails.

7. Interact on the Internet by: talking in a chat room, listening to an audio file, viewing a video file, downloading an item, sending a message to a message board, attaching a file to an e-mail, buying something or nearly buying something but not spending the money.

You now know as much as everyone else on how to use the internet. This is the way I taught myself, the fun way. This is the easy way to learn. Certificates can be generated using boats, ships and surfers going faster and this scheme can be easily sponsored by someone.

Anyone who knows how to do these things could volunteer to teach them. They could also put together computers from second hand parts to give away or sell very cheaply to everyone, so we all have access to the internet. This will give these people the experience they need to get jobs in these industries.

I think The Communications and Cyber Centre idea is a far more forward thinking concept for The Mechanics Institute as this has always been its real role. I think facilities like shops are history as this is the future:

Distribution Points - the only shops remaining as a result of the internet will be corner shops - which will become a world wide shopping mall - you may also wish to receive your goods @ pubs, clubs + sub - post-offices - where you can distribute 2 the world from.

I will generate posters for those who wish to participate in this project.

I will also explain how it works in due course.

I will say how it will pay you. It is similar to the current associates agreements with companies such as Amazon although there are other details to add. It does work simply so you obtain a "royalty/cut" as an item is purchased. Items are tracked. And you have control over how many items and what sort of goods you allow to be processed through your store.

Once this is successfully on line and running - I suggest that a National Inter-Net-Work should begin to be established - I have been thinking about this a long time - Using Job Centre premises as they have loads of computer points in built in the floor.

"On-Guard!" This is a new format for policing. It involves camera "Watch-Dogs!" which are "On-Guard!" when we require them to be. People will jointly decide with the Police when the "On-Guard!" times will be and when they require the systems to be "Off-Duty!" For example when we are all retiring for bed or rising in the morning. Privacy will not be an issue as this will remain an open democratic decision as to the times and locations and directions of security coverage. This format of guarding is used by big businesses, so if it is good enough for them it is certainly good enough for us little people. This means that the police can be everywhere all at once, they can gather evidence, and can arrive to help quicker than ever before. This is a permanent police presence. Crime drops dramatically with this sort of system.

Transport & Jobs - What I Have Done - What I Have Tried To Do - What I Intend To Do

I have tried since at least 1997 ***see*** to create and save jobs in the transport industries. I wrote to John Prescott to say what I thought I could do to help. I have recently applied to NESTA for a grant to get my idea off the ground but they turned me down. ***see*** The government uses the ideas from my website and then pretends they do not use the internet. Tony Blair must be able to type with more than one finger, for example. And to promote something you know nothing about is a bit weird. If Alchemy, Rover, BMW or any body else is interested in British Transport I am interested in working with them. You can also see I have tried to work with others too including Great Western. I feel they are more interested in profit than customers or travel - I got that feeling when I temporarily worked with them.

Swindon can have the glory days of Isambard Kingdom Brunel back if only these companies and the government would have the humility to work with a woman who has the answers and the jobs and the freedom that goes with the type of transport I have invented. This is the main reason I have chosen to stand independently of the main party groups. Some things are too important for petty politics.

Police Bikes & Work-Runs = = = = = = = > This is a scheme rather like the "White Bikes of Amsterdam" in the 60's You will not own or have responsibility for your bicycle, the Police will. The bikes themselves will be tagged and marked in many varying ways so they cannot be stolen, and if they do go missing they will be easily tracked and identified. You don't have to buy your own bike, or have to sell it when a better or bigger one would suit you now. "If" yours goes missing you will be able to borrow another one in the interim and will not have to worry about it at all. The Police will. You can leave it outside in its natural habitat without the fear of predatory thieves. This is structurally better for it (due to temperature differentials) and for the space and the inside of your home. They will be labelled "Police Bikes" so everyone knows which ones not to nick.

Police Bikes will be rented and this will vary according to top potential speed. They will start from toddler trikes up to and including full motor power two seaters. The "smart car" will be their top model. People want these but they are unsure as they are new technology of taking the risk to buy them (selling on). In Total Others Include =Motorbikes =Scooters =Electric Cycles =Motor-Electric Hybrids =Mountain, Racer, Ladies Cycles =Covered Cycles (Sinclair) + Bikes =And Obviously all Standard Cycles. They will remain open to suggestion within reasonable bounds. You will rent for 3 months at a time when you will either pass a mini mot or swop your bike. The Police will do or organise all maintenance as part of the deal. These bikes not being owned by us, but by The Police will cut crime in this area. And this will also make people fitter as one main reason for not cycling is that you always have to find somewhere secure to lock it or it gets nicked leaving you stranded. No excuse now matey !!! The Police need to build-up a positive relationship with the good people. Dealing with bad criminals the whole time can make you feel bad most of the time. They need to feel good to do good.

Work Runs - These will be organised by The Inter-Link department in conjunction with the Bus Companies and Agencies. Many people have to own a car simply to get to work or do their shopping. The shopping bit I have solved (see Distribution Points). The work bit isn't all that easy for bus companies to get their heads around, as there are many start and finish times and a very many places to get from and to in time, weaving through the traffic. Work Runs would be performed by the early-semi-retired who would like a nice car (people mover for example) for to take some very nice senior citizens out for a very nice day out, as part of the deal to be done, when they are not dropping off or picking up workers. They would agree to do a certain number of hours at a certain day, at a certain time span. This would be in absolute equality to the kind of lightly rewarded voluntary work with perks the early-semi-retired sorts do.

Get a Life Shift - Family life is suffering as a real result of simple lack of time together. Sundays in particular should be a time for the family. I propose the following:

4 days - Monday - Friday preferably - but initially can include Saturdays - where you do 1 hours extra work in that day. 1 day a week you have the morning / afternoon off (4 hours + lunch hour) to do your weekly shopping, deliveries, DIY / home maintenance appointments, hairdressers, doctors and dentists etc etc etc. You will then have done all of these things at a reasonable hour in the week and those who work in these industries can have time at home with their children, and see their parents and grandparents, and not to be always in a rush when they do. They will also be able to go to church and other relaxations. I am quite happy to extend workplace areas to make this possible - I do not have a problem with that - Major industrial sites of 200 years ago are now happily inter-twinned with nature. I would love Sundays to be Special again. I go to Holy Rood church, in the area, where I do Readings and sing in the Church Choir. I have been doing this for many years.

Sports Awards -=- [ o | . o ]

I have often looked at places like the Athletics pitch whilst walking by, and most often it is empty. I find the same with The County Ground. The Swindon Town Football Pitch is more used which I can hear when walking in The Lawns! Which is Great! Especially when Swindon WIN! Women & men can both win @football@everything in S+WIN+don

I want everybody to win. I want everybody to be a winner. As a youth of 18 I sent away for all the possible sports and other awards you could get. There were loads. I wanted to do them all but there wasn't any place to do them all in. Some places did do one or two but these were mainly for the little kids. I would like the little kids to do them, but I think the big kids and Cartman (South Park character) like grown-ups should also do them too. Even the ones designed for the little kids, as it is much better than sitting on your backside all day watching the telly. We could even branch out into being a mega centre for the cubs, scouts, brownies & guides, And The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme - which I think everyone should be allowed to take part in. It is very ageist to say that old people can't camp or help other people when they do it all the time. Everyone should have fun all through their lives.

I think The Swindon Town Football Club could save itself by doing this. I will help them. Football clubs across the country must look to the little people, their fans and support them. As their fans support them, when they want to win. This could be The First Sports Awards Centre in The Country. We may even get financial assistance from the Culture, Media and SPORT Department for doing this, You Never Know - Miracles Can Happen !!

Residents Parking - A little footnote to add to say that I think it is very unfair for the Council to raise these rates for the less well off little people in our smaller homes, whilst not even charging those who polute the atmosphere more in the larger suburban houses. I think that either everyone should pay in the borough to park on the Borough's roads or those living outside the Central areas should pay more Council Tax respective of the number of cars owned by the residents of those properties. If it is council funding that they want, the Council will get more money this way than by draining the drivers in the little streets dry. I do not agree with the rise. If others can park freely outside their homes perhaps, as we have done so before, we should too. This is another option. Also those council members who proposed Residents Parking and/or propose that we pay more, do not themselves pay anything to park on the streets by the side of their homes.

You can contact me in any of these ways to ask questions, Any Questions you like by

Phoning 01793 695 793

Writing 109 Eastcott Hill SN1 3JH


Other details about what I have done are available @

This website is also available on Search Engine websites such as U K Directory @

If you want to help me help others, please say what you want to do with me. I do not give out orders. I am not a control freak. I will always believe in freedom for all.

If you want any further copies of this or any copies of any material : posters etc please get in contact with me and I will do that for you.

Also if you want this in bigger writing. Or for me to come and read it and explain bits of it to you I am happy to do so.

I love you all lots. Please mention anything else you think I should do.

And I Ask you to Advise me all along the way. My ears are always open to your words. I like to see new thoughts and ideas entering into my mind. It's a team work thing this is.

Love from

Clare Elizabeth Angela Kingston

Printed & Published @ home by CEAKingston, 109 Eastcott Hill SN1 3JH